Music and Management

MLWEntertainment Group is an international powerhouse firm who manage legendary artist on tour, cultivate fresh new talent and has an exceptional in house team of PR and creative consultants to help our clients reach their peak potential. 

Sixto Cancel

Founder & CEO of Think of Us

Sixto's lived experienced in foster care fuels his passion for shifting system policy and practice through the use of technology and data. As CEO of Think of Us, Sixto co-led the design and execution of the 1st ever White House Foster Care and Technology Hackathonwhich resulted in new federal regulations, new funding for tech in foster care, six additional hackathons, local technology initiatives, and helped shift the national conversation about foster care and tech. Sixto has participated in over 25 convenings as a panelist, keynote or presenter. Sixto has served as a Young Fellow at Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative since 2010, where he has worked on youth engagement, asset development and permanency.      |      213-999-6961